
EU Ecolabel

We enjoy nature every day and want to take care of it. Therefore, we consider environmental considerations in both the design and operation of the site. We aim to create a campsite where you, as guests, can use the facilities with a clear conscience, as we have made active choices to make the site more environmentally friendly.

Green Certification

We are aware that all actions impact the environment. We are certified with EU Ecolabel and, as such, are dedicated to reducing our footprint by meeting stringent environmental requirements. Below are examples of what we have implemented.

EU Ecolabel

Green Initiatives

​Water and Heating
  • ​​Reduction of water consumption in service buildings through measures such as installing nozzles on faucets, replacing shower heads, and installing new toilets.
  • ​​Utilization of automation, allowing guests to regulate their consumption of hot water in showers.
  • ​​Use of solar collectors for heating buildings and water (in combination with district heating).
  • ​Supplementing the heating of the swimming pool with heat from solar collectors. 
  • ​Implementation of automatic floor heating control in two service buildings.
  • We purchase 100% climate-friendly electricity from Danish wind turbines.
  • ​Reduction of energy consumption in service buildings through measures such as replacing light bulbs with LED bulbs, installing motion sensors, and twilight relays on outdoor lighting.
  • ​Investment in a 30 kWh solar panel system for electricity production.
  • ​Testing of solar-powered lamps as lighting sources on side roads and near service buildings.
  • ​Prioritizing Danish and, if possible, local ingredients in the café.
  • Collaboration with local businesses.
  • ​Playground created by Blåbjerg Leg with play equipment made from FSC-certified robinia wood.
  • Events in nature such as guided hikes, outdoor yoga, bonfires, and activities in collaboration with a local nature guide (including a snorkeling trail).
  • Nature room with free loan of waders, fishing nets, binoculars, etc.
  • ​​Preservation of grass and brushwood waste on-site for composting and increasing biodiversity.

Environmental Policy

At Hvalpsund Family Camping, we aim to be responsible.
Our guests visit primarily because of the natural surroundings and the beautiful landscapes around the campsite, including the stunning nature of the Louns Peninsula and, not least, the campsite's location right by the Limfjord. A locally strong service offering is the foundation for running a sensible business. Therefore, we consider it a natural part of our work to take responsibility for people and the environment—both locally and globally. We want to contribute to protecting and preserving the nature and wonders that surround us, which our guests come to experience. Additionally, we strive to be an active partner in the local community.

Environmental and Climate Responsibility:
At Hvalpsund Family Camping, we aim to:

  • ​Continuously work with the criteria of the EU Ecolabel, systematically minimizing the environmental impact of our business by consistently setting new goals to reduce energy and resource consumption.
  • Inspire permanent residents and guests to minimize their resource consumption and environmental impact during their stay.
  • Involve our employees in environmental work so they can contribute to setting and achieving environmental goals.
  • Whenever possible, purchase local and eco-labeled products and services, and collaborate with businesses actively working to minimize their climate and environmental footprint. This includes looking for labels such as the Flower (Blomsten), the Swan (Svanen), the Blue Angel (Blauen Engel), Good Environmental Choice (Bra Miljöval), Energy Label (Energimærket), Fair Trade, Organic Label (Ø-mærket), and other similar certifications."

Social Responsibility:
At Hvalpsund Family Camping, we aim to:

  • Educate local youth to become skilled professionals, providing them with a solid foundation for a successful career.
  • Consider supporting job seekers who may face challenges in the job market, such as hiring individuals with flexible work arrangements, immigrants, or young people with special needs.
  • Create employment opportunities and jobs that contribute to the development of the local community.
  • Collaborate with local organizations, such as sports clubs, by directing tourists to their facilities. We are more than happy to refer guests to our local partners for activities in the area.
  • In our procurement processes, strive to use local suppliers and products whenever possible to contribute to the local economy and reduce the environmental impact of transportation and production. This means giving preference to suppliers from North Jutland and Central Jutland, and the rest of Denmark, before considering options abroad.
  • Adhere to national and international guidelines for anti-corruption and human rights, including avoiding child labor.

Economic Responsibility:
At Hvalpsund Family Camping, we aim to:

  • ​​Focus on areas that provide both environmental and economic savings.
  • Operate and develop a sound economic business, which is the foundation for us to make a positive difference for the environment, climate, and the people in the local community.

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