
​Opening hours in café himmelblå

Café Himmelblå

The options at Café Himmelblå vary throughout the seasons:

Åbent/Open: The café is open for food orders from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Dine in or take away.

Dagens ret/Today's special: The café is closed, but there is an option for collection of the daily special at 5:45 PM, as Take Away. Orders must be placed the day before by 12:00 PM.

Fællesspisning/Community meal: Cozy Friday communal dining. Registration deadline Thursday at 12:00 PM. We meet at Café Himmelblå at 6:00 PM.

Food order​
café åbningstider café åbningstider 2024

​The hot kitchen closes at 19.30

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